Privacy Policy – Genoss.
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Genoss aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands! | +31 617640431 of stuur een whatsapp bericht

Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands stands for short lines, clear communication, and an efficient approach. We also want to communicate clearly with you about the use of your personal data. Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands processes your personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Who does this privacy statement apply to?

This privacy statement applies to all individuals for whom Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands processes personal data. Below is an overview of the main categories:

  • Visitors to our website
  • VIP Members of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands
  • Recipients of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands newsletters and other mailings
  • Potential patients of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands
  • Individuals involved in a procedure or transaction where Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands acts as an interested party
  • Third parties communicating with Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands
  • Employees of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands
  • Alumni & trainees

What personal data does Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands process? Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands processes personal data that you have provided to us, personal data generated during your visit to our website and reading of newsletters, and personal data that we have obtained from other sources.

Provided by you to Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands:

  • Contact details and other personal data required for the registration of your membership
  • Personal data you provide to Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands in connection with treatments, events, contact requests, inquiries, or subscribed newsletters

Personal data received via our website:

  • Data regarding your visit to our website
  • Data regarding the device with which you visited our website, such as your IP address
  • Your browsing behavior and interests

Personal data received from other sources:

  • Personal data received from public online sources such as company websites and social media platforms
  • Other personal data relating to you that we have obtained while executing and maintaining your VIP membership and/or patient file

Why does Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands process your personal data? Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands uses your personal data for various purposes:

  • Fulfilling the agreement
  • Maintaining contact and communicating with you
  • Marketing activities, such as sending newsletters and other forms of marketing communication that may interest you
  • Security, use, and improvement of our website
  • Improving the quality of our own services
  • Conducting customer satisfaction surveys
  • Complying with our legal obligations regarding our employees in relation to the Labor Law and our payroll administration

Security of your data Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. Persons who have access to your data or files on behalf of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands are bound by confidentiality based on applicable behavioral and professional rules. Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands adheres to generally accepted industry standards of technological and operational security to protect personal data against loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. If you have questions about the security of your personal data or if there are indications of misuse, please contact us at

Sharing data with third parties In certain cases, it may be necessary for Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands to give third parties access to personal data. Below is a non-exhaustive overview:

  • Third parties relevant to the services we provide, such as suppliers
  • Third parties, such as regulators, bailiffs, and other authorities, to comply with our legal obligations
  • External suppliers in connection with the processing of your personal data for the purposes described in this privacy statement, such as IT suppliers, communication service providers, and other suppliers to whom we outsource certain supporting services

Transfer of your personal data to the above third parties only occurs for the purposes mentioned in this privacy statement.

Third parties to whom we provide your personal data may be responsible for compliance with privacy laws. Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands is not responsible or liable for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. Insofar as a third party processes your personal data as a processor on behalf of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands and thus acts at the request and in accordance with the instructions of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands, Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands concludes a processor agreement with such a third party that meets the requirements described in the Regulation.

Data outside the European Union To provide our services, it may be necessary for Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands to transfer your personal data to a recipient in a country outside the European Union. In that case, Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands ensures that such data transfer is in accordance with the Regulation.

Legal grounds When processing personal data, Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands relies on various legal grounds. Data processing may be necessary for the performance of an agreement (for providing services) that we have entered into or necessary for compliance with a legal obligation. In some cases, we ask for your explicit consent, for example, for the use of certain cookies or, when you are not a member, for receiving commercial communications.

Finally, there are processes based on a legitimate interest of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands, such as processing in the context of internal management, for effective communication, quality improvement, or direct marketing processing for clients and active contacts of Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands. In the latter case, an opt-out is always offered.

Retention periods Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands retains your personal data no longer than necessary for achieving the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Statement or as long as Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands is legally required to do so based on applicable retention periods.

Your rights You can request Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands to correct, supplement, delete, or shield your data if the data is incomplete, incorrect, or processed in violation of a legal provision. Additionally, you have the right to request the data we hold about you. Do you no longer wish to receive newsletters, email messages, invitations from us? You can unsubscribe at any time via

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands will cease processing if legally required to do so or if there are other compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms or that are related to the establishment, exercise, or defense of a legal claim.

Complaints procedure At Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands, we value the quality of our work and the satisfaction of our clients with our services. We regularly conduct research for this purpose and use the outcomes to continuously improve our services. If something did not go as expected in your case, please address it with the responsible person at Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands. We will do everything possible to find a satisfactory solution. If you cannot resolve it, you can use our complaints procedure. For more information, contact us via

or find the procedure on our website Genoss aesthetic

You also always have the right and opportunity to file a complaint about the processing of personal data by Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands with the Data Protection Authority.

Statement subject to change Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands reserves the right to adjust or change this privacy statement, for example, when changes occur in the processing or if regulations change. In the event of major changes, Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands will bring this to your attention. Nothing in this privacy statement is intended to create any obligation or agreement between Genoss Aesthetics Distributor in the Netherlands and any visitor to this website or to provide any information in that context.

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